US jobs data time is upon us again

<h2>Take part in our US NFP competition</h2>
<p>Here we go again with the first NFP reading for 2024 as we get the January jobs numbers. This gives you a chance to take part in our NFP competition where 3 lucky winners will each receive a free month’s access to the <a href="">Forex Analytix platform.</a></p>
<p>The rules:</p>
<li>You pick a number as your guess for the Friday NFP number – 1 guess per person</li>
<li><strong>First person who picks a number gets it (you can pick another number if your 1st guess is taken)</strong></li>
<li>Closest to the number wins. In the case of a draw or split, the person who entered first by time gets it</li>
<li><strong>Place your guesses in the replies on the tweet of this post only (<a href="">@forexanalytix)</a></strong></li>
<li>Entries in by 12.29:59 GMT Friday</li>
<p>Want to know what fantastic services await on our platform??</p>
<li>Chatroom with news, research (inc Spanish speaking chatroom), and live trading room, where over 100+ intraday traders chat each trading session.</li>
<li>Quick analysis on 30 instruments.</li>
<li>Breaking market news and insight.</li>
<li>Super-fast live data releases</li>
<li>Daily key interbank FX order levels and updates</li>
<li>Full daily Forex option expiries and barrier report</li>
<li>Commentary and recent charts, formations and setups.</li>
<li>PIP (Pattern In Play). Where technical patterns identify potential moves.</li>
<li>Live market squawk integration</li>
<li>Top financial research</li>
<li>Web based platform with desktop notifications</li>
<li>App for mobile devices and tablets which offer push notifications when new analysis is posted or when key levels are broken.</li>
<li>Live (private) webinars exclusively for Forex Analytix members throughout the trading day.</li>
<li>Live charting</li>
<li>Money Management tool</li>
<p>Remember, even if you don’t win, you can still benefit from access to the platform via an exclusive ForexFlow 20% discount right <a href="">here</a>. This discount is for the life of your subscription, not just for a couple of months.</p>
<p>If you miss out on the prize, you can also get free access to the Forex Analytix Platform via our <a href="">Traders Funding Program</a>. You can check out the details <a href="">here.</a></p>
<p>We wish you all the luck.</p>
<p><a href=""><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-11041" src="" alt="" width="728" height="90" srcset=" 728w,×49.png 400w,×87.png 705w,×56.png 450w" sizes="(max-width: 728px) 100vw, 728px" /></a></p>
<p>The post <a href="">US jobs data time is upon us again</a> appeared first on <a href="">ForexAnalytix – Blog</a>.</p>

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