US CEA's Bernstein sees steady, stable economic growth, wary of higher rates headwinds

<p> Jared Bernstein is the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers to United States President Joe Biden.</p><ul><li>
Says we're looking at a pretty clear transition to steady and stable
growth</li><li>Says on headwinds,
being in a higher rate environment is something we have to be mindful
of</li><li>Keeping an eye on
the new conflict in the Middle East, and its effects on oil</li><li>Not seeing conflict
in Middle East as an exogenous shock so far</li><li>Does not think a
government shutdown would put the economy into recession</li><li>Hard to know though
without knowing the length of disruption</li><li>We don't want or
need any own goals</li></ul><p>Info comes via Reuters.</p><p>Psiting this as an ICYMI, he spoke mid week.</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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